Sanford Biggers to Present New Artworks from His Ever-Evolving Chimera and Codex Series

Traversing the conceptual layers of masculinity and femininity, eternal and ephemeral, as well as resilience and fragility, Sanford Biggers creates artworks that are formally open to interpretation but which also contain dense references that elevate one's understanding. Known for his unapologetic approach to historical topics, the artist transforms his artworks into dialogical pieces through which art historical, social, and political circumstances could be questioned. 


Sanford Biggers' upcoming exhibition at Monique Meloche Gallery in Chicago will feature several pieces from his Chimera and Codex series. Titled Back to the Stars and juxtaposing quilt and sculptural compositions, it will examine the learned perspectives and understandings, creating a patchwork of ideas that surpass dominant art historical understandings.  


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